Quality assurance

Quality assurance is essential for maintaining and improving your software development process. It ensures that each phase of development adheres to high standards, promoting reliability, efficiency, and continuous enhancement of your software products.

The challenge

Being on the front foot regarding quality assurance helps meet customer demands and expectations, averting more expensive resolution further down the line. Yet managing an effective and sustainable quality assurance process for websites and apps has become steadily more demanding as the device landscape has continued to proliferate.

Enterprises have seen the QA challenge grow as delivery timelines shrink while the scope of each delivery increases. Expanding in-house teams with full-time QA resource is often not an option, while bringing in contractors at time of need can be an expensive and complicated undertaking.

Our expertise

The Digivante team has many years’ experience in quality assurance across a broad range of industries.

Applying a consultative approach, a Digivante quality assurance specialist will ensure that the final product meets your quality standards. These detail-oriented professionals are also responsible for auditing existing processes to ensure they are efficient and productive.

Where an updated process is required, we will work with you to define the process. We will assist with the roll out of changes, as well as any staff training requirements.  We can also review the use of existing tools to ensure they are being used correctly or suggest new tools if required.

Digivante’s services for quality assurance

We will work with you to identify where our functional and non-functional services work best to support quality assurance and will ensure their smooth integration into your working practices. Services include:

  • QA process optimisation – ensuring every aspect of the delivery process considers QA

  • Test strategy – a high-level approach to testing, defining the key principles that underpin the low-level project test planning

  • Test planning – getting testing right, right from the start

Real client use case

We helped a client introduce a new test management tool to allow for traceability between requirements, development and testing. This was aligned to a review of the current agile approach and consequently improved communications, scrum and sprint management. The software development lifecycle (SDLC) improved dramatically. Senior management now have visibility of quality and progress which allows them to make educated decisions on releases.

By acting as the connective tissue between internal team members and other third parties, we have been able to identify small irritations and resolve them effectively. This has led to more a trusting environment with better collaboration.

Direct improvements to the testing and smaller improvements across the delivery teams, the end results have been a consistent release schedule, 2 weekly sprints, with minor scope change/creep and a manageable backlog.

Digivante supports quality assurance by delivering:

• Help to scale QA process and capabilities without expanding the in-house team.

A global community of testers for fast, high-quality outcomes on regression, functionality, localisation and usability testing.

• Resources to free up QA teams for more strategic challenges and for ongoing optimisation and conversion activities.

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