User acceptance testing

User acceptance testing in software testing is the closest you can get to a real-world test. It ensures that the software meets the needs and expectations of end-users by simulating real-world scenarios and environments, providing a critical validation step before the product is released.

The challenge

One of the most critical procedures in the software development lifecycle, user acceptance testing often presents the last chance to ensure your new or refreshed website and apps will perform as intended in the real world.

You need to replicate the behaviour of your intended audience on a scale that is difficult to do in-house. In addition, at the end of the development process, your teams are unlikely to regard your software impartially. They will see what they expect to see.

Our expertise

We apply best practice to support the successful roll out of new software. From our worldwide community of testers, we form testing teams that reflect your target audience. Working across different time zones, they enable us to test at scale and speed to shorten the time to market.

They put your software through its paces, testing using real-world scenarios and actual data, and clearly documenting any defects for fixing.

With issues less likely to emerge post-release, both the cost and volume of work involved in remediation are reduced, quite dramatically in some cases. According to IBM’s Systems Sciences Institute, the cost to fix an error found after product release was four to five times as much as one uncovered during design, and up to 100 times more than one identified in the maintenance phase.

Digivante’s services for user acceptance testing

Making Digivante user acceptance testing an integral part of development projects gives our assumption-free testers the opportunity to uncover defects and obstacles to conversion before your users encounter them. Digivante services related to user acceptance testing include:

  • Accessibility testing – guidance to make your digital business inclusive and compliant

  • Cross-browser testing – for a consistent user experience across multiple platforms

  • Localisation testing – local knowledge to help you build a global online brand

  • Test planning – getting testing right, right from the start

  • Writing test cases – best practice applied throughout this essential phase in the QA lifecycle

  • Usability testing – help to create a seamless, intuitive user experience

Real client use case

The client has bi-weekly sprints and we support the UAT phase of delivery.

For every sprint we review all stories and feedback to the product owners on scope and risk before commencing scripting. During scripting we will assess the required coverage and query any quality gate requirements i.e. what testing needs to be completed before we commence UAT.

We have already created a regression pack that we use the Digivante crowd to execute. This pack is revised as part of every sprint to ensure we have the correct coverage in relation to the new introduced functionality.

Major releases often require accessibility testing when new sections are added to websites and applications. Localisation in relation to language and payment testing is carried out regularly for existing websites and apps but becomes a key focus when rolling out to new regions or countries.

We work very closely with the client, attending scoping and planning calls. Our flexibility ensures any delays during development can be reduced by our speed of test execution and reporting which is accessed via the Digivante Portal. Our client and their third parties have free access to these reports, meaning they see results dynamically and can react immediately to any serious issues. We have a JIRA integration in place so developers can deal with issues without delay.

Digivante ensures the end-user’s vision of the product is reflected in the releases

• Tests tailored to specific demographics, showing how software will perform for your real-world audience.

A consultative approach that focuses on fully meeting business requirements and specifications.

• Rigorous testing to assure the robustness and usability of the product.

Book a user acceptance testing consultation

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