Regression testing2024-07-24T16:16:51+00:00

Regression testing

Experience fast, thorough, and cost-effective regression testing from Digivante. Avoid the commercial consequences of avoidable coding errors with our expert exploratory testing in software testing.

Innovate fast and minimise risk

You constantly need to release new functionality and features and fix known issues to keep customers engaged and attract new business. Without regression testing as part of the process, even small changes could trigger unhelpful outcomes.

Skimping on regression testing is high-risk for your business. Who wants to turn off customers and lose revenue due to poor experiences on a website or app?

Digivante’s regression testing delivers


Use our large specialist, professional team to benefit from economies of scale and maximum value from selective automation.


Cut testing time from weeks to days or even hours. Digivante’s experienced, efficient 24/7 team gets regression testing done in a short time.


Use Digivante for your regression testing and you can be confident that your apps and websites will work as designed when changes go live.

How we work with you

With Digivante, your team spends less time on regression testing, so they can spend more time on adding new, high-value functionality that enhances customer engagement with your digital assets. We can also schedule test runs on demand or trigger them via API calls. Our testers operate 24/7 to reduce testing time with no compromise on quality.


We apply our experience of creating tens of thousands of regression test cases for clients to creating the optimal new test pack for you.


We increase execution speed by running all your test cases at the same time, using our large professional testing community.

Broad coverage

We run the same regression test with different browsers or devices for broad coverage within the regression test pack.


We can adapt your existing regression pack to run in the Digivante portal.


We always test everything in the pack, no matter how many new features there are.


We automate your regression tests precisely where it adds value and saves time.

Continuously assessed

We constantly review what needs to be added to the regression pack as development evolves, then update or write new test cases as needed.

Monitoring issues raised

We closely monitor and manage our community of testers. We vet submitted issues against scope, reproducibility and duplicates and provide clear reports.


Our test feedback is accurate and actionable, so you can prioritise the remediation required.

Ready to learn more about regression testing with Digivante?

Disover how you can integrate thorough, reliable, rapid and trusted testing into all your new releases and enhancements. Request a demo with one of the team now.

The value of Digivante as your regression testing partner

Regression testing can be costly. You might have the upfront development time for automating regression testing, or you might need to pay a dedicated tester to just run regression tests. And then there’s the time it takes to run: days or weeks, with development on hold until the tests are done.

Quality and consistency are issues too. Running the same tests over and over again isn’t the most exciting job: mistakes creep in and testers are prone to cut corners when they’re under pressure.

Using our managed, professional community of regression testers along with judicious automation, you can eliminate these risks and keep the cost down by speeding up time to value. By adding Digivante’s regression testing services into your process for new releases and enhancements, the whole thing happens quickly and seamlessly and your team won’t have to spend weeks working through your regression pack.

“We didn’t want ‘yes people’. We wanted a team who would challenge our assumptions from a position of unquestionable experience and knowledge of QA best practice. We’d worked with Digivante in the past and knew they would bring clarity to the project, including transparency on costs across the entire initiative.”

User Acceptance Test Manager, Specsavers

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Book some time with one of our specialists to demo the service.

Shift left/right regression testing

Three women review work on a screen

Shifting regression testing left

Digivante can work with your developers to run regression testing on a subset of your regression pack during development. Together, we’ll create quality gates to confirm a subset of your regression tests have passed a ‘smoke test’. This speeds up development, because it identifies key issues earlier in the software development lifecycle.

Two men concentrating on work

Shifting regression testing right

Once you deploy to live, we can work with our Digivante QA community to run your full regression pack on your live site or app. We’ll capture test outcomes in granular detail on the Digivante testing portal: if something fails, Digivante can quickly identify the problem, your dev team can implement a patch, then we’ll repeat the relevant test.

Frequently asked questions

Is automation suitable for centre or shift right testing related to weekly or monthly releases?2022-01-06T10:35:07+00:00

No. We think automation brings benefits specifically in unit testing, integration and where continuous improvement/ continuous development (CI/CD) is used.

What testing capabilities do you cover?2022-01-06T10:30:35+00:00

Our testing capabilities are listed here. We cover a broad range including regression testing, accessibility testing, test automation, usability testing and more. We provide consultancy, service management and team augmentation. We deliver crowdtesting through our global Digivante professional tester community.

We don’t release new features that often, so why do we need a testing partner?2022-01-06T10:12:08+00:00

Even if you don’t release new features often, the digital access points that people use to experience your website or app are constantly evolving. You need to be sure that everything works when a new browser update goes live or a new mobile OS is released. You need to know how your digital products respond on new devices when they launch.

Does Digivante just do crowdtesting?2022-01-06T10:27:23+00:00

No. We use crowdsourced testing for some services, like exploratory testing, executing test cases and accessibility testing. We combine human testing with automated testing, depending on the specific need. But we also support clients with usability testing, test strategy and planning through our team augmentation service. And we provide people to augment client teams, both short-term and long-term.

Testing isn’t a priority for our business2022-01-06T10:09:44+00:00

Forgive us if we say that’s a short-sighted attitude. Testing will become a very high priority for your business if you release software and digital products that frustrate customers and constrain their engagement and spending. Put QA into your software development lifecycle early so you’ll catch issues when they’re easy to resolve out of the customer and boardroom spotlight. You’ll avoid major reputational headaches for the business and safeguard your customers’ loyalty.

Should I track what’s being automated and what isn’t?2022-01-06T10:42:36+00:00

Yes. As well as knowing what’s being automated, you need to know the coverage achieved. That way you can identify what you need to test by other means.

What sort of work does an augmented team member do?2022-01-06T10:07:13+00:00

If you augment your team with a Digivante QA expert, they’ll:

  • conduct static (requirement) reviews
  • conduct Sprint (scope) reviews
  • write test cases
  • write Gherkin
  • manage functional testing
  • manage system integration testing
  • manage crowd-testing
  • identify process improvements
Why should I outsource testing when I have a QA team in house?2022-01-06T10:16:49+00:00

Outsourcing your testing can bring economies of scale, efficiency and speed. It gives you access to a large variety of testing techniques and resources. If you have a small internal team you may not be able to do the breadth or depth of testing you really need before releasing a digital product. Outsourcing your test may save you money because you can apply the right type of testing at exactly the time you need it, without holding up development. You may be able to perform the testing earlier in the software development lifecycle too. Recruiting experienced testers can be hard. Outsourcing your testing takes that headache away.

I’ve tried automation and failed. How can Digivante do it any better?2022-01-06T10:44:38+00:00

Triage is key. It’s one of our key strengths. We look at failed builds then run any failed automation test cases in our community, clearly highlighting false positives/negatives and explaining issues. Then you can prioritise effective fixes.

My test automation framework is getting overengineered. How should I identify when to automate and when not to?2022-01-06T10:43:27+00:00

At Digivante we create the very best manual test cases and coverage. They form the building blocks for good automation. These will show clearly whether it’s beneficial to automate or not.

I have a consultant building automation for me so why would I need to use an outsourced testing company?2022-01-06T10:44:03+00:00

It depends how thorough the consultant can be. Just one person can’t usually do it all! At Digivante we’re transparent on the framework we use and how we build the scripts. We make clear which tests are automated, crowd or manual. We provide clear documentation and training for internal staff.

How do I prevent automation test environment deterioration?2022-01-06T10:40:31+00:00

We recommend only automating stable areas that are easy to maintain.

Our web development partner handles all our testing – why do I need to consider a separate testing provider?2022-01-06T10:12:50+00:00

There’s a risk when you allow developers to ‘mark their own homework’. A fresh set of eyes will catch errors that the web developers won’t see. Independent testing gives you peace of mind that nothing’s been overlooked or hidden.

What does augmented teams mean in relation to QA?2022-01-06T10:18:01+00:00

Team augmentation in QA means supplementing your team with Digivante people led by a Digivante senior tester. You’ll increase capacity and quickly get the advantage of an experienced group of testers. The augmented team members embed themselves into your software development lifecycle and the wider businesses. They bring expertise in QA strategy and execution and can call on all Digivante resources to support your project.

Will website testing disrupt my release schedule?2022-01-06T10:18:54+00:00

Not with Digivante. We work with you to understand your deadlines and constraints and plan our services to meet your targets. Crowdsourced testing can be delivered overnight and at weekends. With our large testing community and efficient techniques, we can carry out extensive testing in a shorter time. It’s not unusual for us to carry out 90 workdays of testing in 3 days, or 5 days of regression testing using traditional testing methods to just 5 hours.

Should I keep my automation resources separate from the rest of QA?2022-01-06T10:41:19+00:00

No. We recommend fully integrating them with the whole QA team. Ideally, use the same team for automation and crowd testing, so they’re governed by one QA process.

We have hundreds of issues in backlog – our dev team couldn’t cope with any more2022-01-06T10:10:22+00:00

An overstretched development team can be prone to making more mistakes, which incur costs and lead to even more testing. In our approach to QA, we seek to improve your capacity for dealing with software issues. The test cases we write are clear and simple to follow, even for non-tech people, so it’s easier to prioritise issues and deal with them quickly.

Should I automate everything?2022-01-06T10:38:52+00:00

No. Only automate stable entities with repeatable actions. Choose cases where there isn’t much change, to avoid higher maintenance costs and gaps in automation coverage.

What is ‘push and pray’ and what are the risks of the approach?2022-01-06T10:17:19+00:00

Push and pray means a software development team rushes to release a digital product without doing enough testing. They make the product live and hope for the best. The risks are significant. If you don’t look for issues or errors before customers find them, you’ll create a lot of dissatisfaction and potentially lose customers and revenue.

How do you track the defects found during tests?2022-01-06T10:21:50+00:00

Each tester can raise defects on a defect report page on our central test reporting platform. This includes screenshots and video evidence, along with steps to reproduce the defect. Testers check that the defect hasn’t already been reported, so we don’t receive duplicate defect reports. Our QA managers double check the reports before releasing them to our clients.

Should I focus my resources purely on automating?2022-01-06T10:38:16+00:00

Automation is just one weapon in the QA armory. We recommend a nuanced approach: supplement automated testing with other QA approaches including planning, manual and crowd testing, user and accessibility testing. We recommend looking at the whole, not just focusing on automation alone.

You might also be interested in…

Team augmentation

Digivante’s QA specialists bring years of experience when you need to augment your existing team. Embed our people and gain access to the full breadth of our capabilities for regression testing or any other appropriate service for your project.

Test case writing

Our specialists write up to twenty test cases per day, incorporating hundreds of test steps. We can script these as automated tests when appropriate, or our professional QA community can run them fast and efficiently.

Test automation

We take a pragmatic approach to test automation; we only use it where it demonstrably adds value and saves time.

Speak to one of our testing specialists

Tell us a little about your needs and we’ll connect you with a Digivante expert.

  • Discover how our solutions can benefit your business
  • Get guidance on industry-leading practices
  • Receive a cost estimate for Digivante services
  • Experience a demo of our platform
  • Review case studies of our work with companies like yours.
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