Quality engineering

Quality engineering is the catalyst for advancing your quality processes. By integrating robust practises and methodologies, quality engineers ensure that your products meet the highest standards, driving continuous improvement and excellence in your development lifecycle.

The challenge

Whether you’re in the early stages of developing a strategic quality plan or are looking at how to improve existing quality systems, a common challenge arises: different teams, even individual practitioners, may adopt their own quality engineering practices, using their preferred methodologies and tools.

How do you orchestrate the principles and practices relating to quality to ensure a standardised approach? How do you establish a shared understanding of and commitment to quality, where every member of every team has ownership and accountability?

Our expertise

Our team of experienced subject matter experts have identified [a nucleus of] core principles to aid in the consistent delivery of quality. These are not prescriptive, but represent best practice, with the flexibility to implement processes and approaches to address every unique situation.

We firmly believe a quality approach is a team approach, not something unilaterally conceived and executed by our quality consultants. Introducing new methodologies can trigger cultural and procedural changes, so we will always work closely with your leaders and teams. Our goal is to empower every individual team member to feel responsible for the quality of the deliverable.

In our extensive experience of championing quality, it’s often small changes that make the most significant impact across the whole delivery.

Digivante’s services for quality engineering

Digivante offers quality engineering expertise and consulting. We use a continuous delivery maturity model to identify key areas that need improvement. For each of these areas, we assess where you are now and where you aspire to be.

Your Digivante consultant can help you to select the services that best support the delivery of quality business-wide, including:

Real client use case

Agile delivery issues

Our client was finding that there was a disconnect between the third-party development team and their internal business team. On investigation during a static review of requirements, we found that stories were not being updated and differing assumptions were being made by the development team and product owners. Neither team knew who was responsible for updating stories with changes and ensuring that the business understood the impact – a common issue with agile delivery, especially if a company is new to the use of this agile methodology.

Business requirements

As we write the test cases to carry out in sprint testing, we need to understand the stories fully in order to ensure the correct coverage and risk assessment. By walking through the delivery process and documenting responsibilities, hand offs and stage, we are able to ensure the delivery is as per the business’ requirements.

Rapid delivery

There was some initial concern that things may slow down, but actually doing things right and ensuring people understand what’s happening, actually allows for better quality and less time wasted on revisiting stories.

Digivante helps you realise the business benefits of quality engineering methods by delivering:

• The right approach at the right time, with a culture of flexibility and services tailored to your requirements.

• Experienced consultants with expertise in crowd sourced testing, quality assurance, agile processes, test automation, CI/CD.

• Collaboration with your internal teams and third parties to identify better quality practices.

Book an agile delivery consultation

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