Black Friday Ecommerce Health Check

Uncover your unknown functional, cosmetic and conversion issues with exploratory testing.

As Black Friday approaches, you’ll be bundling products and applying discounts while making important front-end UI adjustments. It’s easy to assume everything will go smoothly, but experience tells us otherwise. Front-end changes can introduce bugs that seriously affect your conversions.

Don’t leave it to chance.

Trust Digivante, your crowdtesting & CRO partner, for a complete Black Friday Health Check.

We’ll conduct a thorough exploratory test to identify conversion roadblocks and help you prioritise fixes before the big day.

Get in touch for indicative pricing for your Black Friday Health Check

With our help, accessories retailer Claire’s experienced a 35% uplift in conversions in under four weeks.

Meanwhile department store group House of Fraser saw conversions immediately jump 9% once the identified issues were fixed.

Common issues we frequently uncover during our exploratory tests

  • Form glitches & broken links
  • Sluggish site speed
  • Graphics and text overlapping
  • Broken filtering and searches
  • Device, browser, and OS-specific bugs
  • Typos that could harm user experience
  • Checkout journey unclear flows
  • Malfunctioning payment methods
Don’t let these issues undermine your Black Friday success.
Get ahead of the game and take an exploratory test with Digivante today!

eBook: Prepare for Black Friday & other peak periods in the ecommerce calendar

A guide to ensuring your website and apps are ready for Black Friday, Cyber Monday, the holiday season, New Year sales, a product launch, the new school year or any other peak season.